Exchange or return policy
Attention, please! We need the packaging, protections and all the original parts
Without original packaging and original protections, we do not accept exchanges or returns.
What is the deadline for making changes or returns?
We make it easy for you: the deadline for exchanges or returns is 100 days from the date of purchase.
I want to exchange or return my order but I do not have the original packaging or the original protectors, can I exchange or return if I pack the products in another type of packaging?
No, original packaging and original protectors are essential to make an exchange or return, without original packaging or original protectors neither changes nor returns are accepted.
Who pays the shipping costs when making the return?
Several causes can be given in this section
1. The product came to me damaged and I want to exchange it for another one just as it is in perfect condition.
Masteritem will proceed with the product exchange at no additional charge to you.
2. The product arrived wrong.
Masteritem will proceed with the product exchange at no additional charge to you.
3. I received my order and it's incomplete or missing a piece.
Masteritem will ship the product or part at no additional charge to you.
4. The product came to me damaged and I don't want to be exchanged, I want my money back.
If you want a return and do not accept a change for another product, the return costs are the equivalent of shipping costs.
5. I got the wrong product and I don't want it changed for the right one. I want my money back.
If you want a return and do not accept a product exchange for the correct product, the return costs are at your expense.
6. I've received my order and it's incomplete or some part is missing and I don't want you to send me what's missing, I want the return.
If you want a return and do not want to exchange a product for a completely new one, the return costs are at your expense.
7. I received the product and I've decided I don't want it anymore.
The return costs are on you.
8. I got my order and I realized I'd rather change the color or model.
In this case you have to make a return and a new order in which the return costs are at your expense as well as the shipping costs of the new order.
I have used the product, can I request an exchange or refund?
We do not accept exchanges or returns for products that have been used. Once the product has been used this product is covered by the 3-year warranty.
What are the return charges?
If the gift agency picks up your order, the return cost are the equivalent of shipping costs.
Can I send the order myself to the Masteritem facility?
Yes, but in this case we are not responsible if the goods arrive damaged and in such a case, the return of the order will not be accepted and we will leave your order in storage for the delivery agency assigned by you to pick it up and send it back to you.
What do I have to do to send my order by my own means to the Masteritem facility?
First you have to access the exchange or return form, fill it out and send it to us. Our team will review your message and, if everything is correct, confirm how to proceed, giving you the address of our logistics warehouses so you can proceed with the shipment.
If I make a refund, how long will it take to get my money back?
A maximum of 14 business days from the time your return package arrives at our facility.
How do I get my money back?
If you paid by credit card, Paypal or bank transfer, your money will be refunded using the same method as the purchase.